Friday, April 24, 2015

Questions answered...

Hello my beautiful bunnies! 
I am attempting to keep up with your questions. Sorry if it takes me a while. :(

"Why do you only post blogs every so often? I wish you would post more."
Meeeeee too. I am a full time mother and baby-sitting auntie right now. During the day I have 4 kids who are all under 5. Most of my day is spent kissing boo-boos and singing/dancing to kids songs (I will spare you from the other details of what 4 kids can do....). The weekends are spent working as a Makeup Artist for different events. I post when I can. Sorry. :( I will try harder!!

"Does it take a long time to do the research for products?"
YES! I have a medical background so I really like to get to the nitty-gritty of things. I look at what a product is made of and how it is processed. I then test it out (either on myself or a volunteer). It can take 2-8 weeks to finalize a research project. If you post a question about a product I will do my best to answer it as quickly as possible. 

"Are you going to Vlog more?"
I hope to soon but right now with all the kids around it is very difficult. Next year most of them will be in school so I will be able to do more. ^_~ Please be patient with me! 

"Can you recommend a good skincare line?"
Yes....but not in a blog or e-mail. I need to know a lot more about you because skincare is a very personalized thing. It depends on so much that it would be best to start a dialogue with me if you really want that sort of info. I can tell you that some stores (like Ulta and Sephora) have a return policy that works in the experimental clients favor. With receipt they take back products even if used up to 30 days (I think). Before buying a product check with the store on their return policy. Make sure that they will take it back even if it is used. Also give the product at least 2 weeks to see results. Pictures help you see results. ^_^

"Do natural beauty products really work? I tried natural deodorant and I still stank."
This one had me cracking up! Yes, some work. Not all products work for all people, though. I know some that LOVE Berts Bees and others that say even the sensitive skin products burn their face. It is a highly personalized thing, skincare. It really depends on what you want the product to do and your skin's chemical makeup. -consequently I had the same issue with the natural deodorant...^_~

"Can you recommend some good baby products?"
Yes...depending on what you are looking for. I find Cetaphil works great for almost all skin types. I use CeraVe baby for my daughter (because she has a LOT of allergies). I have used Johnson and Johnson's no more tears (with my son who has no allergies). I love Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap (Baby Mild) but it is not tear-free. I use that one on my son now. I want to try The Honest Company at some point too. I have heard good things about them. 

"Is there a wrinkle cream that really works to get rid of deep wrinkles?"
 I am in the process of testing some products from Rodan and Fields. I will post those results in about a month. Thus far I have found nothing that gives dramatic results that last (other than lasers or surgery) but that doesn't mean that there isn't something out there. There are some that offer temporary dramatic results...but that doesn't fall under your question.

Ok Bunnies I have to hop away now.....the natives are getting restless...I will try to answer more questions later.

Keep the comments coming!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Client response

Greetings and Salutations Makeup Bunnies!

I just received a wonderful message from a client who is thrilled with the results she is seeing. While she does not want her picture posted (sorry no visual of the results) she did state I can share her story.

Mary* had a beautiful baby boy a few years ago. During her pregnancy she got the dreaded PREGNANCY MASK. At first she did not mind, she thought that after she had her baby it wold go away (or at least fade enough that she could cover it with makeup). Alas, it stayed and was very difficult to cover.

Mary was never a person who liked heavy makeup. She tried many different products but none had a dramatic effect....until....I introduced her to Murad.

Murad is a skincare line that was created by a dermatologist guessed it....Dr. Murad. You can read more about him here.

"What product?!" you ask.....

She only bought 3 products. A cleanser, a moisture, and a serum. We started just using the cleanser for 2 weeks. She used it once a day for the first week and after that didn't show any adverse reactions she used it twice a week. (Please note you MUST use sun protection when using these products as they contain vitamin C which makes you skin more susceptible to the harsh rays of the sun.)

After the two week trial she began to see some faint results. She was encouraged so we moved on to the moisturizer. She applied this once a day for one week. Specifically at night. She used her normal moisturizer during the day. During the following week she used it twice a day. (They have a day and a night but she didn't want to buy the night moisturizer until she knew it would work.) By the end of the week she saw strong results.

Then she introduced the serum. She washed her faced, patted it dry, applied the serum, let it sit for 30-60 seconds, then applied the moisturizer, let it sit for 30 seconds, then applied a UVA/UVB sunblock with spf 30. (Then she would apply her makeup after letting that sit for 1 min.)

The results after she used the serum where incredible. Her mask is now almost completely gone!! She told me that she goes without base/foundation most days because she is so happy with how her skin looks.

I love hearing that a product worked for a client. I am so happy for you Mary!!

Just thought I wold share her success. I hope it put a smile on your face and/or that it helps someone else with a similar issue.

Keep hopping my little bunnies!

*Name changed to protect her privacy.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Pore me! A sad tale about large pores.

Once upon a time there was a young woman with large pores...

Seriously?! Who doesn't think they have large pores? Those who are blessed enough, by genetics, to have flawless baby-like skin are rare. 

What you need to know about pores:

Pores are glands that secret oil and sebum. If you have oily skin, chances are, you have enlarged pores. If you have dry to normal skin your pores are usually smaller. If you pick at your acne, you probably have enlarged and inflamed pores. If you suntan, you probably have enlarged pores (or will in a short time). 

Collagen fibers in the skin start to decrease in their numbers, they stiffen and break apart. Elastin fibers lose elasticity and thicken into clumps and fray. Fibroblasts, which are what make both of them, decrease as well. 

Without getting too technical, your pores are made of skin; skin is made of 2 main ingredients collagen and elastin. As we age the firmness goes away, that's why we get wrinkles. It also causes enlarged pores. Sun damages skin and causes premature wrinkles and enlarged pores. Acne is icky stuff in your pores which enlarges them (usually they go back to normal size) and if you pick you can damage the skin and cause...yup you guessed it...enlarged pores! If you don't wash off your makeup and the dirt of the day...guess what....yup it sits in your pores and stretches them out! 

Bottom line folks, take care of your skin!!!!!!

Can I shrink my pores? Can I make my pores smaller?

No. Sorry. You are born the way you are born and damage is not reversible to your pores (except with cosmetic surgery and even that isn't 100% guaranteed). BUT THERE IS HOPE!!!

While you can't undo what you did, you can use certain products that can help minimize the appearance of pores.

Stay tuned for my review of pore minimizing products and makeup tricks!

Learning Japanese

Recently I have been spending a LOT of time with my mother-in-law. She's been in and out of the hospital and going to lots of doctors. During the drives and visits she has been teaching me Japanese. I have learned some of the very basic grammer and thought I would share.

1st: English is SVO (subject, verb, object)  so we say "He is cute." He = subject // is = verb // cute = object

In Japanese they go SOV (subject, object, verb) so they say "He cute is." or "Kare wa kawai" Kare = he (or it or that) // wa = (sound you put after the subject to show what the subject is) // kawai = cute.

Here is a good blog that explains it better than I can!

Ja Mata Ne.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Sunscreen / Sunblock for your face....the perfect sunscreen

Hello everyone!

I recently found a WONDERFUL sunscreen /  sunblock that I must share with you!

Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry-Touch Sunscreen

I love love love love this stuff! Not only does it hold up in the sun (even during a soccer game in the 90+ degree heat) I wasn't even red! ME?! The walking milk-toast! I turn red if I am out in the sun for 5 minutes! Now that I know I have Rosacea (more on that coming later) I have to wear sunblock everyday. Not only does this absorb completely into my skin, it doesn't muck up my makeup at all! 

I highly recommend this product! They have lesser SPFs if you don't want to block out the world (like I do). ^_~ And there is still controversy over anything over a 50 SPF being effect or just more expensive. I got what my dermatologist recommended. Love her! 

If you buy it from Ulta, Target, or Walmart then you can return it (with receipt) for a full refund if it isn't what you want. I think you get 30 days ( long as you didn't use half of it reasonable!). CVS, Walgreen's, and supermarkets tend to carry it too, but it is $3-$7 more expensive! 

Give it a try and let me know what you think.

Catch ya later!

We are up and running!!

Greetings and Salutations!

It has been a while....

Well I have been working both at home and on...yes movie sets!!! I have had the privilege of working on Malice: the Webseries and The Drive. I also got to go to the screening of Geographically Desirable! Lately I have done a few private makeup sessions for personal shoots, a collaborative project with a dear friend Desiree Delaluna, and of course playing with the babies!

I have some great new products I have discovered, as well as a new skin condition...yikes! 

I will be more active I swear!! 

In the meantime, check out the new page!

Don't forget to follow me on Facebook!

See you soon!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

New Videos

Hello friends and followers!

Sorry it's been a while, I've been a busy girl.

Recently I had the privilege to work with Monkey See (a website with a LOT of informative videos). We did more than a few projects and I want to share them with you.

Take a look and let me know what you think. If you like these check out the rest of their site!

Professional Makeup Tips

Stress Free Tailgating Tips

Simple Bathroom Remodeling Ideas

How To Organize The Messiest Spots In Your Home

More blogs coming you way soon!