I know many a person who tells me that they don't need sun block/sunscreen
because it's in their foundation or moisturizer.
While it is good
that your products have some sunscreen the problem is how much. There is
no regulation in the USA as to the amount of sun block that must be put in a
product for it to claim to have a certain SPF.
What does that
The cosmetic company
can put a few drops of sunscreen SPF 15 in a 20 ton vat of foundation
or moisturizer and say that their foundation has SPF 15. Well, they
aren't telling a complete untruth, there is SPF 15 but it is not necessarily
effective. It may help some but not enough to actually protect the skin.
Why would a
cosmetic company do this?
They are
in business, there to make a profit, and sunscreen sells! True a few drops
will protect you more than nothing however; it is not enough to keep age spots
and premature aging at bay. Let's not even talk about skin cancer!
Why don't they put
more sunscreen in the product?
Often times too
much sun block will disrupt the makeup, causing it to break up or
breakdown. I think, but do not know for sure, that a lot of the companies
also know that on top of the sun block the foundation (depending on the
thickness) will help act as a barrier between your face and the sun. It is true
to an extent (see my blurb on cray-paper skin).
Bottom line:
What are a few
extra minutes to your beauty regime vs. premature aging and ugly
brown spots? Put on sun block after your moisturizer and before your
primer (if you use one) or foundation (if you don't use a primer).
Your skin thanks
I didn't know that! Crazy how people can find ways to cheat you.