Monday, September 17, 2012

Sun block/Sunscreen - Why do I need it if it's in my makeup?

I know many a person who tells me that they don't need sun block/sunscreen because it's in their foundation or moisturizer.


While it is good that your products have some sunscreen the problem is how much. There is no regulation in the USA as to the amount of sun block that must be put in a product for it to claim to have a certain SPF.

What does that mean?

The cosmetic company can put a few drops of sunscreen SPF 15 in a 20 ton vat of foundation or moisturizer and say that their foundation has SPF 15. Well, they aren't telling a complete untruth, there is SPF 15 but it is not necessarily effective. It may help some but not enough to actually protect the skin.

Why would a cosmetic company do this?

They are in business, there to make a profit, and sunscreen sells! True a few drops will protect you more than nothing however; it is not enough to keep age spots and premature aging at bay. Let's not even talk about skin cancer!

Why don't they put more sunscreen in the product?

Often times too much sun block will disrupt the makeup, causing it to break up or breakdown. I think, but do not know for sure, that a lot of the companies also know that on top of the sun block the foundation (depending on the thickness) will help act as a barrier between your face and the sun. It is true to an extent (see my blurb on cray-paper skin).

Bottom line:
What are a few extra minutes to your beauty regime vs. premature aging and ugly brown spots? Put on sun block after your moisturizer and before your primer (if you use one) or foundation (if you don't use a primer).

Your skin thanks you.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Keep the comments coming


Thanks everyone for the helpful comments (both private and public). The more comments you leave the more in-tuned I get with your needs. I have about 12 subjects I am now researching for you. I will try to get them out as soon as possible so be a little patient with me please.

Keep those comments coming!



Sunday, September 2, 2012

Stress is evil! 15 things to help you get rid of stress.

Salutations my friends!

Recently a friend of mine has been having a hard time. She has been very stressed at work and it is trickling over into other aspects of her life. As I was doing research on other topics, I stumbled across information regarding stress and thought I would share it with you.

Stress causes a LOT of damage to your body. It's not just mental as you might think.

Stress can take it's tole on internal organs, digestion, skin, hair, sleep, really just about anything. Look at the presidents and rulers of countries, they enter office looking youngish and leave looking really old. Often times when you are stressed, others around you get stressed too. If you have a little one they can feel it and often start to fuss or act out. If you are in a relationship the other may start to act strangely. A pet may be more demanding or shy away from you. You may get breakouts or stomach issues. Your digestion may get screwy. You could find some grey hairs or new wrinkles. In extreme situations you could have a heart attack, muscle cramps, insomnia, uncontrolled bouts of anger or crying. Stress can cause a relationship to end, a marriage to be destroyed, a friend to be dismissed, a family member to distance them-self, or even suicide. In short, STRESS IS EVIL!!!

Here are some remedies to help release or counteract stress:

1. See a councilor  There are specific councilors who deal with life issues such as stress and time management. They are NOT the same sort of people who you see if you are suffering from a mental illness (such as depression or schizophrenia). They help you figure out the best ways to manage your time and cope with stress. Many times you will only see them for 2-5 session (usually 3). There is no lying on a couch and sharing feelings from your childhood. It is ONLY about helping you figure out ways to cope! Many times your work place will have a free service through an employee program or your insurance will pay for it. If not then you can find councilors who work with your budget. There are also free centers in most areas or even a local school might have free hours to help students practice (don't worry they are in school for this and they have a trained professional overseeing them).

2. Find an activity. Find something to take your mind off of what is stressing you out. Knitt, write, take pictures, rock climb, swim, run, paint, walk, take a potting class, learn CPR, read, listen to music, write a blog....anything to get your mind off of whatever it is. Drinking is NOT the answer because that tends to make you let go of your inhibitions and you make stupid choices. (Like breaking down in front of strangers and crying about your problem, calling an EX, or sending an e-mail to your boss telling them where they can shove it. Sooo...yeah....something constructive.) If you can do it once a day that would be best but if it's not possible then at least 1-2 times a week! Switch it up if you are someone who gets bored easily.

3. Pet an animal. Yup petting an animal releases chemicals in the brain that make you feel happy.

4. Hug. Hugging also releases happy chemicals in the brain.

5. Laugh. Go on You Tube and find a video with a baby cracking up (come on who can resist smiling), a guy doing a stupid stunt, someone winning a contest, a spoof on a song or video, or anything that will make you smile. A smile will lighten things up for you.

6. Talk to a friend or loved one. Social support is a HUGE part of mental health. If you feel disconnected from friends or family give them a call. Let them tell you what is going on in their life before you do the talking. Listening to other people's laments will help put yours in perspective. Listening to loved ones tell you nice things will lighten your heart. Letting them speak first will allow you to step back and not think about yourself and your problems. Then if you still need to, you vent. It shows the other person that they are important if you let them speak first and it helps you calm down.

7. Get a Massage. I know we don't all have the money for a professional massage but you do have cheaper options. You can go to a massage school and get a cheaper massage (they need to practice for their certification exam so they offer cheaper rates). You can ask a friend or partner to help you out too. You can also do a pressure point massage on yourself:

    •  Massage your ears. I know you have  heard or seen people rub their earlobes and say "woosa," well they are not far off. The ears are a preassure point in acupuncture to help realx the face and body. 
        • Apply light pressure to the earlobes using thumb and index (pointer) finger.
        • Rub from earlobe up to the crest of the ear (aka the top) staying on the outer rim.
        • Apply gentle pressure at the top and then go back down.
        • Repeat for 2 minutes.
    • Massage your brow. Ever seen someone with a headache massaging the crown of their head. Yup another acupuncture pressure spot.
        • Apply light pressure to the spot between your eyebrows for a few seconds.
        • Move outward toward the middle of the brows using either a back and forth motion or a one directional pulling motion outward.
        • repeat for 2-3 minutes.
8. Take a supplement. Some Suppliments have been known to help reduce the amount of bad stuff your body produces when you are stressed (bad stuff like cortisol). Some of it helps lower blood preassure as well, which usually spikes when you are stressed.

    • Vitamin C 
    • Licorice Root
    • Red Clover
    • ST. John's Wort (also used for anxiety and mild depression)

9. Smell away your stress. Essential oils have been used to help lower stress for centuries. Spray a little on a handkerchief, paper towel, cotton ball, or scrap of cloth. Carry it in your pocket or purse (use a plastic bag if you don't want the smell to envelope you). You can also put a few drops in a small dish on your desk at work or by your bed at home (do not spray on your pillow because the oil will rub onto your face as you sleep and clog pores). You can burn oil in an oil burner. The old standard is to put a few drops of the oil (after diluting in water) on your pulse points.

    • Lavender
    • Lemon (also helps wake you up)
    • Lime (also helps wake you up)
    • Pine
    • Cedar
    • Sandalwood
    • Cypress
    • Clary Sage
    • Orange

10. Cook away stress. Certain herbs are known to help with stress or the effects stress has on the body, and some have additional benefits too.

    • Tarragon (also good for pain relief)
    • Dill (great for upset stomach from stress)
    • Rosemary (also good for mental clarity)
    • Sage (clarity and memory)
    • Parsley (mmmm... Tabbouleh)
11. Drink a cup of relaxing tea. Lavender tea, Chamomile tea, Sage tea Lemon Verbena or Lemon Myrtle tea, Mint tea, and many others. There are many different teas that can help you relax. A lot of it is about smell and some of it is about the heat of the tea. Many teas are natural caffeine free or can be found in a decaffeinated state, which is better when you are stressed.

12. Pour tea over your wrists. Not scalding hot tea but warm or luke warm tea. I do not know why that helps but it is an old remedy. I have done it and it helps. Especially Chamomile tea.

13. Yoga. I know, I know. It sounds cliche, everyone says "do yoga to de-stress." I find it is true, though. Even just a few minutes of Yoga and stretching can really relax you and release the tension you carry all day! I do a 5 minute stretching session in the morning (really basic stuff) and a 10 minute one in the evening. Does wonders for my lower back pain, headaches, and neck pain.

14. Meditate. That doesn't mean you have to join up with one of those religious cults and starve yourself. What I mean is take a few minutes each day to listen to soft music and clear your mind. Say a little mantra like "I am awesome" or "I am relaxed" or whatever you need to hear to help. Put on some nature sounds, chanting or instrumental music; sit upright in a cool and quiet place and just relax while repeating your mantra to yourself for a few minutes. Remember to breath (but not too deeply or you will pass out). You can say the mantra out loud at first (or whisper it) and then in your mind. If you feel calm then just let your mind wander. Let the thoughts come and then release them. Show yourself that it's ok to feel and think what you do, but that you don't need to dwell on it. When I get really stressed or before a major shoot I do this in the car for a few minutes, then I feel relaxed and ready to go. I have confidence and I don't get the cramping body aches some of my counterparts get (because they are stressed).

15. Believe in yourself. You are awesome! You are perfectly you. Don't let others make you feel less than what you are, which again is awesome! Count to 10, take a few deep breaths and know that you will get over this stressful point in your life. Why?! Because, you are a rock star and you can do it!

I have spoken with a few of my loved ones who are very relaxed people ( in my opinion) and this is their advice:

"As soon as you get home from work, jump in the shower and wash the stress away. Then fill the tub with hot water and drop a few drops of Vanilla or Lavender oil. Soak for at least 15 minutes (preferably while reading a good book or listening to soothing music)." -Yumiko

"Keep a sprig of Cypress or sandalwood in the kitchen. Cedar and Pine work in a pinch. I keep some in every room though, because i get super stressed. Take a big smell when you wake up and go for that morning coffee. Take another smell before starting any project or leaving the house. Take another smell when you get home. It helps relax me, it should work for other people." -Rafsana

"Lemon! A cup of Lemon Verbena tea a twice a day (with morning snack and afternoon snack) and cooking with lemon." -Shaya

"Drink one cup of Black Tea and one cup of Green Tea everyday. It cuts down on the icky chemicals your body makes when you get stressed." -Drake

"Dr. Oz said to eat Pistachios to help with stress and blood pressure. I love them so I eat about 30-60 pieces a day. Plus it's a really good snack." -Susan

"Excersice, read a book, play a game." -Rick

Thanks friends and family for the advice! (See even I need help sometimes!)

I hope this helps you! Remember, stress makes you age faster and does horrible things to your body! Let's all work on de-stressing!

Thanks for reading,

Ko ^-_-^ *meow*

Before taking any supplements, herbs, or starting any new activities you should consult your healthcare provider, especially if you have any sort of health concerns or issues! If you take any medications make sure to do research (no matter what anyone tells you) before you start taking anything natural because some things can counteract your medication and never stop a medication without consulting a healthcare provider first!